Do You Dare 2 Care?

Do you Dare to Care ?

Ask yourself how.

Is there something you can do beyond the status quo, beyond

the societal norm, out of your safety zone?

Be bold,

be brave,

be caring of those less fortunate,

if you dare!

We WERE a Night Time Contact Center for anyone who needs help of any kind whether they be running from abuse or stranded on the street. We offer services for anyone who needs references to daytime outreach services, or for anyone waiting to get into Detox, a Treatment Center, or even a Recovery House. We are here even for those who are just lonely and want some company because they can't sleep.

We WERE open from 8pm to 6am for any one for anything.

Please remember that the people on the streets are human being's not dirt, and perhaps Dare to Care will be the 1st step to finding their way back to the life they once had.

Dare to Care-Okanagan Society's Mission Statement

We provided a night time contact centre that is a safe, non-judgmental environment, which presents opportunities for people to make healthy choices.

The People who accessed this contact centre were also the members of Dare to Care.
At our night time contact centre people did strive to regain their self-respect and integrity in a safe, non-judgmental environment where they could volunteer to start the process to becoming respected and productive members of society.


Do you Dare to Care ?

Ask yourself how.

Is there a way you can do something beyond status quo, beyond

the societal norm?

Be bold, be brave, be caring of those lessfortunate, if you dare!